Sunday, December 18, 2011

Why Vajazzling Makes Sense for Women

I sometimes think I live in the wrong socio-economic class. I mean, I love sparkly crystals. I'm sure I could use these totally useful items:

Swarovski Crystal crusted toilet (a steal at $130,000!)

$1500 Etch-a-Sketch--covered in, you guessed it-- Swarovski crystals

So, I was thinking: it was only logical that we (I'm speaking for ALL women here) started putting these shiny bits on our vaginas. I mean, really! If an Etch-a-Sketch is normally only worth about $7-$18 and a toilet is normally about $100-$600, think about the mark up the crystals would add to my vagina! If an $18 Etch-a-Sketch becomes a $1500 product, and a $600 toilet becomes a $130,000 product... You see where I'm going with this.

If I had to place a value on my vagina, I can instantly increase that figure by roughly 83 to 216 percent! Think about it ladies, where else are we guaranteed that kind of return? And I don't see why it can't work for guys as well. Though I'm guessing they might be a little more squeamish about such things (bunch of wussies!).

You generally either pay for a Brazilian wax and get a free Vajazzle thrown in or you pay up to $100. (Yep, I learned that from the Vajazzling FAQ page! Yep, there is indeed such a page)

Take your time ladies. But in this economy, can you afford NOT to get Vajazzled?!